Publications on Iran

Publications so far
417 entries « 4 of 9 »


Berthoud, Thierry; Craddock, P. T.; Pigott, Vincent Charles; Maddin, Robert; Muhly, James D.; Stech-Wheeler, Tamara; Hauptmann, Andreas; Weisgerber, Gerd: PRODUCTION, ECHANGE ET UTILISATION DES MÉTAUX : BILAN ET PERSPECTIVES DES RECHERCHES ARCHÉOMÉTRIQUES RÉCENTES DANS LE DOMAINE ORIENTAL. In: Paléorient, vol. 6, pp. 99-127, 1980. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: )
Fennelly, James M.: The Persepolis Ritual. In: The Biblical Archaeologist, vol. 43, iss. 3, pp. 135-162, 1980. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: )
Garbrecht, Gunther: The Water Supply System at Tuspa (Urartu). In: vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 306-312, 1980. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Irrigation, Water)
Gaube, Heinz: Im Hinterland von Siraf. Das Tal von Galledar/Fal und seine Nachbargebiete. In: Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, vol. 13, pp. 149-166, 1980. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Kleiss, Wolfram: Europäische Befestigungsarchitektur in Iran vom 16. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. In: Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, vol. 13, pp. 167-178, 1980. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: Architecture, Fortification)
Huff, Dietrich; Gerster, Georg: Wer baute die »Persische Mauer«. In: Bild der Wissenschaft, no. 12, pp. 46-58, 1980. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Moorey, Peter Roger Stuart: Metal Wine-Sets in the Ancient Near East. In: Iranica Antiqua, vol. 15, pp. 181-198, 1980. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: )
Polak, J. -E.: Les métaux d'après les sources perses. In: L'Anthropologie, vol. 1, pp. 111, 1980. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Schweizer, Günther: Rez .: Goblot, Henri: Les Qanats. Une technique d'acquisition de l'eau. In: Persica, vol. 9, pp. 198-200, 1980. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: Qanat Systems, Water)
Pigott, Vincent Charles: The Iron Age in Western Iran. In: The Coming of the Age of Iron , pp. 417-461, Yale University Press, 1980. (Type: Book Chapter | BibTeX | Tags: Archaeometallurgy)


Bonine, Michael E.: The morphogenesis of Iranian cities. In: Annals of the Association of American Geographers, iss. 69, no. 2, pp. 208-224, 1979. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: )
Kohl, Philip L.; Harbottle, G.; Sayre, E. V.: Physical and Chemical Analyses of Soft Stone Vessels from Southwest Asia. In: Archaeometry, vol. 21, iss. 2, pp. 131-159, 1979. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: )
Shahmirzadi, Sadegh Malek: Copper, Bronze, and Their Implementation by Metalsmiths of Sagzabad, Qazvin Plain, Iran. In: Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, vol. 12, pp. 49-66, 1979. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: Archaeometallurgy, Bronze, Copper)
Sperl, Gerhard: Ein Schlackenfund vom Kordlar-Tepe. In: Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, vol. 12, pp. 155-156, 1979. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: Archaeometallurgy)
Boucharlat, Rémy; Labrousse, Audran: Susa. In: Cahiers de la D.A.F.I., vol. 10, pp. 69-79, 103-125, 1979. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Berghe, Louis Vanden: La Nécropole de Mīr Khair au Pusht-i Kūh, Luristan. In: Iranica Antiqua, vol. 14, pp. 13-37, 1979. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: )
Goblot, Henri: Essai d'une histoire des techniques de l'eau sur le plateau iranien. In: Persica, vol. 8, pp. 117-127, 1979. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: Water)
Ciarla, Roberto: The Manufacture of Alabaster Vessels at Shar-i Sokhta and Mundigak in the 3rd Millenium BC: A Problem of Cultural Identity. In: Series Minor: Iranica, Napoli Istituto Universitario Orientale, Seminario di Studi Asiatici,, no. 10, pp. 319-335, 1979. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Prickett, M. E.: Settlement and the Development of Agriculture in The Rud-I Gushk. Drainage, Southeastern Iran. In: Akten des VII. Internationalen Kongresses für Iranische Kunst und Archäologie : München, 7.-10. September 1976. , pp. 47-56, Reimer, 1979. (Type: Book Chapter | BibTeX | Tags: )
Majidzadeh, Yousef: An early prehistoric coppersmith workshop at Tepe Ghabristan. In: Akten des VII. Internationalen Kongresses fur Iranische Kunst and Archäologie : München 7.-10. September 1976 , pp. 82-92, Reimer, 1979. (Type: Book Chapter | BibTeX | Tags: Archaeometallurgy, Copper)
Bayani, M. E.: Primi Risultati Dello Scavo Nel Quartiere Artigiano Di Shahdad (Kerman, Iran) - [excerpts]. 1979. (Type: PhD Thesis | BibTeX | Tags: )


The Question of Aratta Hansman, John F.: The Question of Aratta. In: Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 331-336, 1978. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: )
Lamberg-Karlovsky, C. C.: The Proto-Elamites on the Iranian Plateau. In: Antiquity, vol. 52, iss. 205, pp. 114-120, 1978. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Elam)
Prause, Gerhard: Elektro-Batterien aus der Zeit Cäsars und Kleopatras. 1978. (Type: Miscellaneous | Links | BibTeX | Tags: )
Förster, Hansgeorg: Mesozoic–Cenozoic metallogenesis in Iran. In: Journal of the Geological Society, vol. 135, pp. 443-455, 1978. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Geology)
Woosley, Anne I.; Hole, Frank: Pollen evidence of subsistence and environment in ancient Iran. In: Paléorient, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 59-70, 1978. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Archaeobotany, Environmental conditions, Settlement and subsistance systems)
The Environment of Southern Sistan in the third millennium B.C. and its exploitation by the protourban Hilmand civilization Constantini, Lorenzo; Tosi, Maurizio: The Environment of Southern Sistan in the third millennium B.C. and its exploitation by the protourban Hilmand civilization. In: Brice, W. C. (Ed.): The Environment of the Middle East since the last Ice Age, pp. 165-182, Acad Press, London, 1978. (Type: Book Chapter | BibTeX | Tags: Bronze Age)
Ricerche archeologiche sulla protostoria del Sistan Tosi, Maurizio: Ricerche archeologiche sulla protostoria del Sistan. In: Quaderni de "La ricerca scientific", vol. 1, no. 100, pp. 3-32, 1978. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Hallier, Ulrich W.: Die Wüste Lut. In: Bild der Wissenschaft, no. 1, pp. 46-56, 1978. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Haerinck, Ernie: Painted pottery of the Ardabil style in Azerbaidjan (Iran). In: Iranica Antiqua, vol. 13, pp. 75-91, 1978. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: )
Haerinck, Ernie: Typology and Distribution Pattern of Ceramics in Iran from ca. 250 B.C. to ca. 225 A.D. Manuskript 1. 1978. (Type: Working paper | BibTeX | Tags: Pottery)
Haerinck, Ernie: Typology and Distribution Pattern of Ceramics in Iran from ca. 250 B.C. to ca. 225 A.D. Manuskript 2. 1978. (Type: Working paper | BibTeX | Tags: )
Bahadori, Mehdi N.: Passive Cooling Systems in Iranian Architecture. In: Scientific American, vol. 238, no. 2, pp. 144-155, 1978. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: Architecture)
Momenzadeh, Morteza: Atlas of ancient mines and metallurgy sites of Iran: A preliminary working plan. In: Geological survey of Iran, 1978. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: Archaeometallurgy, Metal Resources, Resources)


Dyson, Robert H.: Tepe Hissar, Iran Revisited. In: Archaeology, vol. 30, pp. 418-420, 1977. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: )
Costantini, Lorenzo; Tosi, Maurizio; Taglianti, A. Vigna: Typology and socioeconomical implications of entomological finds from some ancient near eastern sites. In: Paleorient, vol. 3, pp. 247-258, 1977. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: )
Der historische Bergbau im Iran Bassir, S. H.: Der historische Bergbau im Iran. In: Berg- u. Hüttenmännische Monatshefte, vol. 122, iss. 2a, pp. 5-7, 1977. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: Mining)
Die Paläste des Königs Ardaschir: Firuzabad-Wiege des Sassanidenreiches Huff, Dietrich; Gerster, Georg: Die Paläste des Königs Ardaschir: Firuzabad-Wiege des Sassanidenreiches . In: Bild der Wissenschaft, vol. 14, no. 11, pp. 18-63, 1977. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: Sasanian)
The question of the presence of iron in the iron I period in Western Iran Pigott, Vincent Charles: The question of the presence of iron in the iron I period in Western Iran. In: Bibliotheca Mesopotamica, vol. 7, pp. 210-234, 1977. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Iron, Iron Age)
Tosi, Maurizio: The Archaeological Evidence for Protostate Structures in Eastern Iran and Central Asia at the End of the 3rd Millenium BC. In: Le Plateau iranien et l'Asie centrale des origines à la conquête islamique : leurs relations à la lumière des documents archéologiques. [Colloque international du] Centre national de la recherche scientifique, no. 567, pp. 45-66, CNRS Éditions, Paris, 1977. (Type: Book Chapter | Links | BibTeX | Tags: )
Khlopin, Igor N.: Spuren des Feuerkultes in Urartu. In: Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica, vol. 8, pp. 57-62, 1977. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Kervran, Monique: Les niveaux islamiques du secteur oriental du Tépé de l'Apadana. In: Cahiers de la D.A.F.I., vol. 7, pp. 75-161, 1977. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Dollfus, Geneviève; Hesse, Albert: Les structures de combustion du Tépé Djaffarabad, priodes I à II. In: Cahiers de la D.A.F.I., vol. 7, pp. 7-47, 1977. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Trichet, Jean; Poupet, Pierre: Contribution a l'étude du site de Ojaffarabad (Susiane, Iran). Apport des observations pédologiques et géochimiques. In: Cahiers de la D.A.F.I., vol. 7, pp. 55-60, 1977. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Kobler, Albert: Die höchste Schutthalde der Erde. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 1977. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Pigott, Vincent Charles: The Question of the Presence of Iron in the Iron I Period in Western Iran. In: Levine, Louis D. (Ed.): Mountains and Lowlands. Essays in the Archaeology of Greater Mesopotamia , pp. 209-234, Undena Publications, 1977. (Type: Book Section | BibTeX | Tags: Iron, Iron Age)


Gedanken über den Lasursteinhandel des 3. Jahrtausends v.u.Z. im Iranischen Raum Tosi, Maurizio: Gedanken über den Lasursteinhandel des 3. Jahrtausends v.u.Z. im Iranischen Raum. In: pp. 33-44, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1976. (Type: Book Chapter | BibTeX | Tags: Trade)
Typology of Protohistoric Settlements in Eastern Iran Tosi, Maurizio: Typology of Protohistoric Settlements in Eastern Iran. In: Vardjavand, P. (Ed.): Traditions Architecturales en Iran, vol. 2, Organisation Nationale Pour La Protection Des Monuments Historiques, 1976. (Type: Book Chapter | BibTeX | Tags: Settlement structure)
National Geographic Society - Smithsonian Pyrotechnological Reconnaissance of Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey 1968 Wertime, Theodore A.: National Geographic Society - Smithsonian Pyrotechnological Reconnaissance of Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey 1968. In: National Geographic Society, Research Reports, pp. 483-492, 1976. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Tags: )
Antiquités du Désert de Lut. - II Amiet, Pierre: Antiquités du Désert de Lut. - II. In: Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archeologie Orientale, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 1-8, 1976. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: )
417 entries « 4 of 9 »