Publications so far
1. | ![]() | Bernbeck, Reinhard; Eberhardt, Gisela; Pollock, Susan (Ed.): Coming to Terms with the Future. Concepts of Resilience for the Study of Early Iranian Societies. Sidestone Press, Leiden, 2023, ISBN: 9789464261462. (Type: Book | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@book{nokey, The collection of essays in this book focuses on the highlands of Iran in pre-modern times, reaching from the Paleolithic to the medieval period. What holds the diverse contributions together is an issue that is closely related to debates in our own times: crises and how societies in the past dealt with them. We start from the premise that general circumstances in the fractured topographic structure of the Iranian highlands led to unique relations between ecological, social, economic and political conditions. In three sections entitled “Climate and palaeoenvironment”, “Settlement, subsistence and mobility” und “Political and economic institutions”, the authors ask what sorts of crises afflicted past societies in the Iranian highlands, to what extent they proved resilient, and especially what strategies they developed for enhancing the resilience of their ways of life. Looking for answers in paleoenvironmental proxy data, archaeological findings and written sources, the authors examine subsistence economies, political institutions, religious beliefs, everyday routines and economic specialization in different temporal, spatial and organizational scales. This book is the first volume of a series published by the German-Iranian research cooperation “The Iranian Highlands: Resiliences and Integration in Premodern Societies”. The goal of the research project is to shine a new light on communities and societies that populated the Iranian highlands and their more or less successful strategies to cope with the many vagaries, the constant changes and risks of their natural and humanly shaped environments. CONTENTS Climate and palaeoenvironment Holocene Paleoenvironmental Change and Phases of Drought in the Iranian Highlands. A Review Martin Kehl, Babak Rafiei-Alavi, Hamid Alizadeh Ketek Lahijani The Impact of Climate on Human Occupations in Iran from the Neolithic to the Early Iron Age: An Attempt to Link Archaeological and Paleoclimate Records Babak Rafiei-Alavi, Martin Kehl, Hamid Alizadeh Ketek Lahijani Evidence of Neanderthal Resilience from Forty-five to Thirty-nine Thousand Years Ago at the Bawa Yawan Rockshelter, Kermanshah, Zagros Highlands Saman Heydari-Guran, Nemat Hariri, Martin Kehl, Samran Asiabani, Faramarz Azizi, Elham Ghasidian Water Stress and Imperial Politics in the Southern Zagros Mountains: An Interdisciplinary Approach in Long-Term Perspective Andrea Ricci, Silvia Balatti, Elodie Brisset, Morteza Djamali, Abdolmajid Naderi Beni, Ahmad Azadi, Pejman Firoozbakhsh Settlement, subsistence and mobility Resilience in Practice: A View from the Kura-Araxes Cultural Tradition in Iran Sepideh Maziar Reaching the Breaking Point? Developments in the Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age Varamin Plain Susan Pollock, Morteza Hessari, Reinhard Bernbeck The Bronze and Iron Age of Mazandaran (3200–1000 BCE): Resilience and Cultural Adaptability Hassan Fazeli Nashli, Mojtaba Safari, Yunshi Huang, Zhenhua Deng, Hadi Davoudi, Xiaohong Wu The Environmental Limitations for the Pastoral-Nomadic Way of Life in the Karadagh Highlands of Northwestern Iran: Evidence from the Iron Age I-II and Modern Times Bahram Ajorloo Political and economic institutions Second-Year Cows for Manlari. Elamite State Investment in Cattle Husbandry in the Southern Zagros Mountains Azam Rayat and Walther Sallaberger Coping with Problems of Mining: Approaching Resilience Strategies through the Study of Resource-Scapes in the Iranian Highlands Thomas Stöllner Imperial Control and Highland Resilience in the Parthian Zagros Michael Brown and Shelir Amelirad Resilience in Centralized State Systems. The Persepolis Fortification Archive and Achaemenid Institutional Longevity Wouter F. M. Henkelman, Kai Kaniuth, Kourosh Mohammadkhani Prestigious Building and Urban Development in Ilkhanid Iran: The Rabʿ-i Rashīdī in Tabrīz as an Example of Resilience and Vulnerability in a Long-Term Perspective Birgitt Hoffmann, Lorenz Korn, Thomas Lorain, Jonas Elbers, Maryam Moeini Dynamics of Development and Resilience in Western Fars: The Bozpar Valley Stefan R. Hauser, Giuseppe Labisi, Elnaz Rashidian |
2. | ![]() | Franke, Kristina A.; Kouroshi, Yahya; Skowronek, Miriam; Stöllner, Thomas (Ed.): DFG-SPP 2176: The Iranian Highlands – Resiliences and Integration in Premodern Societies. Accompanying Booklet to the Special Exhibition. 2021. (Type: Booklet | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@booklet{nokey, The DFG Priority Programme 2176 “The Iranian Highlands: Resilience and Integration in Premodern Societies” consists of 11 individual projects and a coordination programme. Our common goal is to explore early societies of the Iranian highlands and their resilience strategies. International cooperation of a large number of diff erent institutions in Europe and Iran is the basis for the research endeavour. In addition, there is intensive exchange with the “Patrimonies Project” and the project “Documentation and Historical Dialectology of Lori”, two associated projects that focus on current living conditions, the protection of cultural heritage and the study of dialects in the Iranian highlands. |
3. | ![]() | Stöllner, Thomas; Aali, Abolfazl: Einblicke in eine Katastrophe. Das Salzbergwerk von Douzlākh bei Chehrābād. In: Karlsruhe, Badisches Landesmuseum (Ed.): vol. Die Perser. Am Hof der Großkönige, pp. 116-20, WBG/Philipp von Zabern, Darmstadt, 2021, ISBN: ISBN 978-3-8053-5276-5. (Type: Book Chapter | Links | BibTeX)@inbook{nokey, |
4. | ![]() | Henkelman, Wouter F. M.: Local Administration: Persia. In: A companion to the Achaemenid Persian Empire, vol. 2, pp. 881—904, John Wiley & Sons, 2021. (Type: Book Chapter | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@inbook{nokey, Two predominantly Elamite archives found at Persepolis are the prime source for the local administration of the Achaemenid heartland per se as well as for the backbone for any socioeconomic history of the empire at large. The sur- vey offered here centers on administrative structures, hierarchies, and proto-cols in relation with other textual sources; it is supplemented by another survey (Henkelman 2013b), focusing on find circumstances, formal charac-teristics, and connections with archeological discoveries (other surveys: Cahill 1985; Briant 2002: pp. 422–471; Henkelman 2008b: pp. 65–179, 2013a; Azzoni et al. 2017; Garrison 2017: pp. 15–116; cf. Kuhrt 2007: pp. 763–825). |
5. | ![]() | Stöllner, Thomas; Aali, Abolfazl: Long-Term Salt Mining in Chehrābād: Resilient Strategies in Accessing Mineral Resources at the Iranian Highlands. In: Pearls, Politics and Pistachios: Essays in Anthropology and Memories on the Occasion of Susan Pollock’s 65th Birthday, pp. 352-369, Ex Oriente/Propylaeum, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2021. (Type: Book Chapter | Links | BibTeX)@inbook{nokey, |
6. | ![]() | Henkelman, Wouter F. M.; Jacobs, Bruno: Roads and Communication. In: A companion to the Achaemenid Persian Empire 1, vol. 1, pp. 219-735, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, 2021. (Type: Book Chapter | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@inbook{nokey, A refined and extensive net of roads ran through the Achaemenid Empire, known as “royal roads” in the classical sources. They served messengers and embassies as well as being used for the transport of taxes and tributes. Because of their considerable width, they were suited for the movement of troops and transport by larger vehicles. Roads such as the well-documented connections between Sardis and Susa or between Persepolis and Susa crossed and opened up the entire empire. There were also countless auxiliary roads. Furthermore, travel and transport by water played an important role. The transport network guaranteed a speedy flow of information and empire-wide communication, and thus provisioning for travelers was secured, way stations were maintained, and a high standard of safety was guaranteed. |
7. | Korn, Lorenz; Heidenreich, Anja: The Site of Rabʿ-i Rashidi, Tabriz: Goals and Beginnings of the Iranian-German Research Project. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Commemoration of Rashid al-Din Fazl-Allah Hamadani (University of Tabriz, March 2021), pp. 295-314, University of Tabriz Press, 2021. (Type: Book Chapter | BibTeX)@inbook{nokey, | |
8. | Hoffmann, Birgitt: The WaqfnāMa-Yi Rabʿ-I RashīDī – The Most Important Written Source for the Understanding of the Rabʿ-I RashīDī Endowment. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Commemoration of Rashid al-Din Fazl-Allah Hamadani (University of Tabriz, March 2021), pp. 337-348, University of Tabriz Press, Tabriz, 2021. (Type: Book Chapter | BibTeX)@inbook{nokey, | |
9. | ![]() | Stöllner, Thomas; Aali, Abolfazl; Kashani, Natascha Bagherpour (Ed.): Tod im Salz. Eine archäologische Ermittlung in Persien. Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag & Media GmbH, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-96176-141-8. (Type: Book | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@book{nokey, Since the first discoveries in 1993 bodies or body-parts of eight humans have been discovered at the salt-mine of Douzlākh at Chehrābād. These bodies allow a reconstruction of their lives as workers during the different operation periods. By involving many different scientific fields, it became possible to investigate their palaeo-medical aspects, their diet and their health status as well the causes of their death and their involvement into different aspects of the mining operation and logistics of the mine. It is possible not only to reconstruct three different catastrophes during the Achaemenid, the early and the late Sasanian times but also to understand the social aspects of the working people. The Achaemenid miners certainly came from abroad but already stayed a while in the region, apart from the young miner no. 4 who seems to have arrived shortly before the catastrophe. This group of migrants possibly were sent within a “bandaka”, an Achaemenid labour duty. The Sassanian miners partly came from a “regional” background but also came shortly before their deaths. Saltman 1 is interesting as he is an older individual who possibly had a special role within the miners. Mining at Douzlakh was predominantly operated in periods of strong centralized political systems when governmental activities could be organized over longer distances. |
10. | ![]() | Garrison, Mark B.; Henkelman, Wouter F. M.: Sigillophobe suppliers and Idiosyncratic Scribes: Local Information Handling in Achaemenid Pārsa. In: The art of empire in Achaemenid Persia: Studies in honour of Margaret Cool Root, pp. 167–286, Leiden, 2020. (Type: Book Chapter | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@inbook{nokey, Greek sources, starting with Herodotus, marvelled about the Persian royal roads and the speed of travel and communication they permitted within the vast Achaemenid expanse. Much has been written about this vital network, the spine of empire: about the degree of connectivity it afforded, about the courses of the roads, the people who travelled on it, and the advantages that Alexander and his armies drew from it. The same Greek sources were much less interested in the logistic operation behind the network, with the notable exception of a passage in Pseudo-Aristotle’s Oeconomica, where Antimenes, a high administrator and Alexander appointee, is said to have bidden “the satraps replenish, in accordance with the law of the country, the storehouses/granaries (θησαυροὺς) along the royal roads.” Though offering little detail, this statement opens a view on the efforts necessary to maintain the way stations with sufficient supplies in flour, wine (or beer), fodder and, in the case of halting places for express messengers, fresh horses. |
2023 |
![]() | Bernbeck, Reinhard; Eberhardt, Gisela; Pollock, Susan (Ed.): Coming to Terms with the Future. Concepts of Resilience for the Study of Early Iranian Societies. Sidestone Press, Leiden, 2023, ISBN: 9789464261462. (Type: Book | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Administration, Economy, Environmental conditions, Institutions, Integration, Mobility, Resilience, Resources, Settlement and subsistance systems, Structure development)@book{nokey, The collection of essays in this book focuses on the highlands of Iran in pre-modern times, reaching from the Paleolithic to the medieval period. What holds the diverse contributions together is an issue that is closely related to debates in our own times: crises and how societies in the past dealt with them. We start from the premise that general circumstances in the fractured topographic structure of the Iranian highlands led to unique relations between ecological, social, economic and political conditions. In three sections entitled “Climate and palaeoenvironment”, “Settlement, subsistence and mobility” und “Political and economic institutions”, the authors ask what sorts of crises afflicted past societies in the Iranian highlands, to what extent they proved resilient, and especially what strategies they developed for enhancing the resilience of their ways of life. Looking for answers in paleoenvironmental proxy data, archaeological findings and written sources, the authors examine subsistence economies, political institutions, religious beliefs, everyday routines and economic specialization in different temporal, spatial and organizational scales. This book is the first volume of a series published by the German-Iranian research cooperation “The Iranian Highlands: Resiliences and Integration in Premodern Societies”. The goal of the research project is to shine a new light on communities and societies that populated the Iranian highlands and their more or less successful strategies to cope with the many vagaries, the constant changes and risks of their natural and humanly shaped environments. CONTENTS Climate and palaeoenvironment Holocene Paleoenvironmental Change and Phases of Drought in the Iranian Highlands. A Review Martin Kehl, Babak Rafiei-Alavi, Hamid Alizadeh Ketek Lahijani The Impact of Climate on Human Occupations in Iran from the Neolithic to the Early Iron Age: An Attempt to Link Archaeological and Paleoclimate Records Babak Rafiei-Alavi, Martin Kehl, Hamid Alizadeh Ketek Lahijani Evidence of Neanderthal Resilience from Forty-five to Thirty-nine Thousand Years Ago at the Bawa Yawan Rockshelter, Kermanshah, Zagros Highlands Saman Heydari-Guran, Nemat Hariri, Martin Kehl, Samran Asiabani, Faramarz Azizi, Elham Ghasidian Water Stress and Imperial Politics in the Southern Zagros Mountains: An Interdisciplinary Approach in Long-Term Perspective Andrea Ricci, Silvia Balatti, Elodie Brisset, Morteza Djamali, Abdolmajid Naderi Beni, Ahmad Azadi, Pejman Firoozbakhsh Settlement, subsistence and mobility Resilience in Practice: A View from the Kura-Araxes Cultural Tradition in Iran Sepideh Maziar Reaching the Breaking Point? Developments in the Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age Varamin Plain Susan Pollock, Morteza Hessari, Reinhard Bernbeck The Bronze and Iron Age of Mazandaran (3200–1000 BCE): Resilience and Cultural Adaptability Hassan Fazeli Nashli, Mojtaba Safari, Yunshi Huang, Zhenhua Deng, Hadi Davoudi, Xiaohong Wu The Environmental Limitations for the Pastoral-Nomadic Way of Life in the Karadagh Highlands of Northwestern Iran: Evidence from the Iron Age I-II and Modern Times Bahram Ajorloo Political and economic institutions Second-Year Cows for Manlari. Elamite State Investment in Cattle Husbandry in the Southern Zagros Mountains Azam Rayat and Walther Sallaberger Coping with Problems of Mining: Approaching Resilience Strategies through the Study of Resource-Scapes in the Iranian Highlands Thomas Stöllner Imperial Control and Highland Resilience in the Parthian Zagros Michael Brown and Shelir Amelirad Resilience in Centralized State Systems. The Persepolis Fortification Archive and Achaemenid Institutional Longevity Wouter F. M. Henkelman, Kai Kaniuth, Kourosh Mohammadkhani Prestigious Building and Urban Development in Ilkhanid Iran: The Rabʿ-i Rashīdī in Tabrīz as an Example of Resilience and Vulnerability in a Long-Term Perspective Birgitt Hoffmann, Lorenz Korn, Thomas Lorain, Jonas Elbers, Maryam Moeini Dynamics of Development and Resilience in Western Fars: The Bozpar Valley Stefan R. Hauser, Giuseppe Labisi, Elnaz Rashidian |
2021 |
![]() | Franke, Kristina A.; Kouroshi, Yahya; Skowronek, Miriam; Stöllner, Thomas (Ed.): DFG-SPP 2176: The Iranian Highlands – Resiliences and Integration in Premodern Societies. Accompanying Booklet to the Special Exhibition. 2021. (Type: Booklet | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Administration, Institutions, Integration, Landscape, Mobility, Resilience, Resources)@booklet{nokey, The DFG Priority Programme 2176 “The Iranian Highlands: Resilience and Integration in Premodern Societies” consists of 11 individual projects and a coordination programme. Our common goal is to explore early societies of the Iranian highlands and their resilience strategies. International cooperation of a large number of diff erent institutions in Europe and Iran is the basis for the research endeavour. In addition, there is intensive exchange with the “Patrimonies Project” and the project “Documentation and Historical Dialectology of Lori”, two associated projects that focus on current living conditions, the protection of cultural heritage and the study of dialects in the Iranian highlands. |
![]() | Stöllner, Thomas; Aali, Abolfazl: Einblicke in eine Katastrophe. Das Salzbergwerk von Douzlākh bei Chehrābād. In: Karlsruhe, Badisches Landesmuseum (Ed.): vol. Die Perser. Am Hof der Großkönige, pp. 116-20, WBG/Philipp von Zabern, Darmstadt, 2021, ISBN: ISBN 978-3-8053-5276-5. (Type: Book Chapter | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Achaemenid, Administration, Institutions, Mining, Salt, Sasanian, Zanjan)@inbook{nokey, |
![]() | Henkelman, Wouter F. M.: Local Administration: Persia. In: A companion to the Achaemenid Persian Empire, vol. 2, pp. 881—904, John Wiley & Sons, 2021. (Type: Book Chapter | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Achaemenid, Administration, Clay tablets, Elam, Institutions, Textual sources)@inbook{nokey, Two predominantly Elamite archives found at Persepolis are the prime source for the local administration of the Achaemenid heartland per se as well as for the backbone for any socioeconomic history of the empire at large. The sur- vey offered here centers on administrative structures, hierarchies, and proto-cols in relation with other textual sources; it is supplemented by another survey (Henkelman 2013b), focusing on find circumstances, formal charac-teristics, and connections with archeological discoveries (other surveys: Cahill 1985; Briant 2002: pp. 422–471; Henkelman 2008b: pp. 65–179, 2013a; Azzoni et al. 2017; Garrison 2017: pp. 15–116; cf. Kuhrt 2007: pp. 763–825). |
![]() | Stöllner, Thomas; Aali, Abolfazl: Long-Term Salt Mining in Chehrābād: Resilient Strategies in Accessing Mineral Resources at the Iranian Highlands. In: Pearls, Politics and Pistachios: Essays in Anthropology and Memories on the Occasion of Susan Pollock’s 65th Birthday, pp. 352-369, Ex Oriente/Propylaeum, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2021. (Type: Book Chapter | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Achaemenid, Administration, Bronze Age, Chalcolithic, Institutions, Iron Age, Islamic era, Minerals, Mining, Neolithic, Resilience, Resources, Salt, Sasanian, Zanjan)@inbook{nokey, |
![]() | Henkelman, Wouter F. M.; Jacobs, Bruno: Roads and Communication. In: A companion to the Achaemenid Persian Empire 1, vol. 1, pp. 219-735, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, 2021. (Type: Book Chapter | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Achaemenid, Administration, Institutions, Structure development)@inbook{nokey, A refined and extensive net of roads ran through the Achaemenid Empire, known as “royal roads” in the classical sources. They served messengers and embassies as well as being used for the transport of taxes and tributes. Because of their considerable width, they were suited for the movement of troops and transport by larger vehicles. Roads such as the well-documented connections between Sardis and Susa or between Persepolis and Susa crossed and opened up the entire empire. There were also countless auxiliary roads. Furthermore, travel and transport by water played an important role. The transport network guaranteed a speedy flow of information and empire-wide communication, and thus provisioning for travelers was secured, way stations were maintained, and a high standard of safety was guaranteed. |
Korn, Lorenz; Heidenreich, Anja: The Site of Rabʿ-i Rashidi, Tabriz: Goals and Beginnings of the Iranian-German Research Project. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Commemoration of Rashid al-Din Fazl-Allah Hamadani (University of Tabriz, March 2021), pp. 295-314, University of Tabriz Press, 2021. (Type: Book Chapter | BibTeX | Tags: Administration, Architecture, Ilkhanate, Institutions, Mongols)@inbook{nokey, | |
Hoffmann, Birgitt: The WaqfnāMa-Yi Rabʿ-I RashīDī – The Most Important Written Source for the Understanding of the Rabʿ-I RashīDī Endowment. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Commemoration of Rashid al-Din Fazl-Allah Hamadani (University of Tabriz, March 2021), pp. 337-348, University of Tabriz Press, Tabriz, 2021. (Type: Book Chapter | BibTeX | Tags: Administration, Foundation, Ilkhanate, Institutions, Mongols, Textual sources)@inbook{nokey, | |
2020 |
![]() | Stöllner, Thomas; Aali, Abolfazl; Kashani, Natascha Bagherpour (Ed.): Tod im Salz. Eine archäologische Ermittlung in Persien. Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag & Media GmbH, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-96176-141-8. (Type: Book | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Achaemenid, Administration, Bronze Age, Chalcolithic, Institutions, Iron Age, Islamic era, Minerals, Mining, Mobility, Neolithic, Salt, Sasanian, Zanjan)@book{nokey, Since the first discoveries in 1993 bodies or body-parts of eight humans have been discovered at the salt-mine of Douzlākh at Chehrābād. These bodies allow a reconstruction of their lives as workers during the different operation periods. By involving many different scientific fields, it became possible to investigate their palaeo-medical aspects, their diet and their health status as well the causes of their death and their involvement into different aspects of the mining operation and logistics of the mine. It is possible not only to reconstruct three different catastrophes during the Achaemenid, the early and the late Sasanian times but also to understand the social aspects of the working people. The Achaemenid miners certainly came from abroad but already stayed a while in the region, apart from the young miner no. 4 who seems to have arrived shortly before the catastrophe. This group of migrants possibly were sent within a “bandaka”, an Achaemenid labour duty. The Sassanian miners partly came from a “regional” background but also came shortly before their deaths. Saltman 1 is interesting as he is an older individual who possibly had a special role within the miners. Mining at Douzlakh was predominantly operated in periods of strong centralized political systems when governmental activities could be organized over longer distances. |
![]() | Garrison, Mark B.; Henkelman, Wouter F. M.: Sigillophobe suppliers and Idiosyncratic Scribes: Local Information Handling in Achaemenid Pārsa. In: The art of empire in Achaemenid Persia: Studies in honour of Margaret Cool Root, pp. 167–286, Leiden, 2020. (Type: Book Chapter | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Achaemenid, Administration, Institutions, Mobility, Structure development, Textual sources)@inbook{nokey, Greek sources, starting with Herodotus, marvelled about the Persian royal roads and the speed of travel and communication they permitted within the vast Achaemenid expanse. Much has been written about this vital network, the spine of empire: about the degree of connectivity it afforded, about the courses of the roads, the people who travelled on it, and the advantages that Alexander and his armies drew from it. The same Greek sources were much less interested in the logistic operation behind the network, with the notable exception of a passage in Pseudo-Aristotle’s Oeconomica, where Antimenes, a high administrator and Alexander appointee, is said to have bidden “the satraps replenish, in accordance with the law of the country, the storehouses/granaries (θησαυροὺς) along the royal roads.” Though offering little detail, this statement opens a view on the efforts necessary to maintain the way stations with sufficient supplies in flour, wine (or beer), fodder and, in the case of halting places for express messengers, fresh horses. |