Publications so far
1. | ![]() | Amelirad, Sheler; Razmpoush, Abbas; Khanmohamadi, Behroz: Kani Charmou, an Iron Age II graveyard. In: Iraq, vol. 85, pp. 49-71, 2024. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@article{nokey, Examining the archaeological findings within the Mannaean kingdom, a significant association with Assyria emerges, highlighting these regions’ interconnectedness. The influence of both Urartian and Assyrian cultures on the Mannaean people becomes evident, indicating a shared cultural heritage or intimate exchanges among these cultures. Notably, the Kani Charmou graveyard in Mannaea serves as a compelling example, revealing a rich assortment of artifacts that parallel those discovered in Ziwiye, a renowned archaeological site in the region. These diverse grave goods unequivocally demonstrate the existence of a robust trade and exchange network between Mannaea and its neighbouring western counterpart, Assyria, and the profound impact of Assyrian culture on Mannaean society. This connection is also evident in religious practices, which show similarities. Through stylistic analysis and the identification of parallels in metal vessels, glazed jars, and a cylinder seal, the proposed dating of the Kani Charmou graveyard aligns with the Iron Age II period. |
2. | ![]() | Heydari-Guran, Saman; Benazzi, Stefano; Talamo, Sahra; Ghasidian, Elham; Hariri, Nemat; Oxilia, Gregorio; Asiabani, Samran; Azizi, Faramarz; Naderi, Rahmat; Safaierad, Reza; Hublin, Jean-Jacques; Foley, Robert A.; Lahr, Marta M.: The discovery of an in situ Neanderthal remain in the Bawa Yawan Rockshelter, West-Central Zagros Mountains, Kermanshah. In: PLoS ONE, vol. 16, no. 8, 2021. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@article{nokey, Neanderthal extinction has been a matter of debate for many years. New discoveries, better chronologies and genomic evidence have done much to clarify some of the issues. This evidence suggests that Neanderthals became extinct around 40,000–37,000 years before present (BP), after a period of coexistence with Homo sapiens of several millennia, involving biological and cultural interactions between the two groups. However, the bulk of this evidence relates to Western Eurasia, and recent work in Central Asia and Siberia has shown that there is considerable local variation. Southwestern Asia, despite having a number of significant Neanderthal remains, has not played a major part in the debate over extinction. Here we report a Neanderthal deciduous canine from the site of Bawa Yawan in the West-Central Zagros Mountains of Iran. The tooth is associated with Zagros Mousterian lithics, and its context is preliminary dated to between ~43,600 and ~41,500 years ago. |
3. | ![]() | Hariri, Nemat; Rezalo, Reza; Zadeh, Ardeshir Javanmard; Heydari-Guran, Saman: Correlation of the Epipaleolithic Period in the West-Central Zagros and North Zagros with Climatic Events after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). In: Journal of Research on Archaeometry, iss. 7, no. 1, pp. 205-29, 2021. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@article{nokey, Up to now, two areas of northern and west-central Zagros Mountains (ZM) have produced better information concerning the development of techno-typology of lithic artefacts during the Epipaleolithic period (EP) compare to the other part of this region. Although several caves and rockshelters associated with EP deposits are found in this region (Map 1), but they were not subject to study for the relationship between climate effect on cultural developments like the neighbored area of Levant. this deficiency can be attributed to a) the low number of excavated sites, b) poor stratigraphic control, and c) the lack of a sufficient number of absolute dates. Recent absolute date achievements from the EP site of Palegawra cave [17]. locates on the northern ZM alongside Paleoclimatic reconstruction in Hashilan wetland [8] based on the palynological studies have improved our understanding from Epipaleolthic cultural and environmental events for the region. |
4. | ![]() | Heydari-Guran, Saman; Douka, Katerina; Higham, Thomas; Münzel, Susanne C.; Deckers, Katleen; Hourshid, Shaghayegh; Naderi, Rahmat; Asiabani, Samran; Ghasidian, Elham: Early Upper Palaeolithic Occupation at Gelimgoush Cave, Kermanshah; West-Central Zagros Mountains of Iran. In: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, iss. 38, 2021. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@article{nokey, The timing and dispersal routes of Homo sapiens (H. sapiens) into the Iranian Plateau have always been a matter of debate in the recent years. Current studies on the Upper Palaeolithic period of the Zagros mountains demonstrated the later colonisation of West-Central Zagros by H. sapiens based on techno-typological and radiocarbon dating. The Kermanshah region is one of the main concentrations of Palaeolithic sites in the West-Central Zagros mountains. Despite presenting rich Palaeolithic sequence records, it suffers from the lack of stratified data associated with chronological control. This issue, until now, has prevented us from evaluating and knowing how these archaeological records relate to the patterns of H. sapiens dispersal and colonisation into the West-Central Zagros mountains. Here, we present the first excavated and dated Palaeolithic site in Kermanshah. Eshkaft-e Gelimgoush Cave yielded a classic Upper Palaeolithic assemblage, representing the Lorestan and Kermanshah (LaK) cultural group documented in the West-Central Zagros. Radiocarbon dates, associated with the material culture from this cave, provide the first dated stratified Upper Palaeolithic evidence in Kermanshah. The data from Eshkaft-e Gelimgoush are consistent with the cultural diversity model among the Upper Palaeolithic populations in the Zagros and confirm later colonisation of the West-Central than northern and southern Zagros mountains. |
5. | ![]() | Amelirad, Sheler; Razmpoush, Abbas: A Newly Discovered Iron Age Site at Sarrez, Iranian Kurdistan. In: Ancient Near Eastern Studies, vol. 52, pp. 207-216, 2015. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@article{nokey, Sarrez is an ancient site in Kurdistan Province, Iran, near the present-day country town of Kamyaran. This site was discovered accidentally during dam construction activities. It has yielded some metal artefacts, potsherds and bones that are comparable to Iron Age III instances. The collection in its entirety is discussed in this article. One of the main objects from Sarrez is a decorated beaker with a scene on its wall that is comparable in many ways to examples of Neo-Assyrian art. The purpose of this paper is to publish and date the metal objects of the Sarrez collection based on this bronze beaker, which is one the few beakers from western Iran which has been found in a secure context. |
6. | ![]() | Amelirad, Sheler; Overlaet, Bruno; Haerinck, Ernie: The Iron Age “Zagros Graveyard” Near Sanandaj (Iranian Kurdistan): Preliminary Report on the First Season. In: Iranica Antiqua, vol. 47, pp. 41-99, 2012. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@article{nokey, An Iron Age graveyard, for the most part dating from the 8th - 7th century BC, was accidentally discovered in 2008 during road works near Sanandaj, Iranian Kurdistan. Rescue excavations were conducted by the Cultural Heritage Department in Sanandaj. The present contribution reports on these first excavations during which more than 20 graves were discovered in two squares and a trench. A selection of the graves and the burial goods are discussed. |
2024 |
![]() | Amelirad, Sheler; Razmpoush, Abbas; Khanmohamadi, Behroz: Kani Charmou, an Iron Age II graveyard. In: Iraq, vol. 85, pp. 49-71, 2024. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Iron, Iron Age, Kurdistan, Zagros, Zagros Highlands)@article{nokey, Examining the archaeological findings within the Mannaean kingdom, a significant association with Assyria emerges, highlighting these regions’ interconnectedness. The influence of both Urartian and Assyrian cultures on the Mannaean people becomes evident, indicating a shared cultural heritage or intimate exchanges among these cultures. Notably, the Kani Charmou graveyard in Mannaea serves as a compelling example, revealing a rich assortment of artifacts that parallel those discovered in Ziwiye, a renowned archaeological site in the region. These diverse grave goods unequivocally demonstrate the existence of a robust trade and exchange network between Mannaea and its neighbouring western counterpart, Assyria, and the profound impact of Assyrian culture on Mannaean society. This connection is also evident in religious practices, which show similarities. Through stylistic analysis and the identification of parallels in metal vessels, glazed jars, and a cylinder seal, the proposed dating of the Kani Charmou graveyard aligns with the Iron Age II period. |
2021 |
![]() | Heydari-Guran, Saman; Benazzi, Stefano; Talamo, Sahra; Ghasidian, Elham; Hariri, Nemat; Oxilia, Gregorio; Asiabani, Samran; Azizi, Faramarz; Naderi, Rahmat; Safaierad, Reza; Hublin, Jean-Jacques; Foley, Robert A.; Lahr, Marta M.: The discovery of an in situ Neanderthal remain in the Bawa Yawan Rockshelter, West-Central Zagros Mountains, Kermanshah. In: PLoS ONE, vol. 16, no. 8, 2021. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Mousterian, Neanderthal, Zagros)@article{nokey, Neanderthal extinction has been a matter of debate for many years. New discoveries, better chronologies and genomic evidence have done much to clarify some of the issues. This evidence suggests that Neanderthals became extinct around 40,000–37,000 years before present (BP), after a period of coexistence with Homo sapiens of several millennia, involving biological and cultural interactions between the two groups. However, the bulk of this evidence relates to Western Eurasia, and recent work in Central Asia and Siberia has shown that there is considerable local variation. Southwestern Asia, despite having a number of significant Neanderthal remains, has not played a major part in the debate over extinction. Here we report a Neanderthal deciduous canine from the site of Bawa Yawan in the West-Central Zagros Mountains of Iran. The tooth is associated with Zagros Mousterian lithics, and its context is preliminary dated to between ~43,600 and ~41,500 years ago. |
![]() | Hariri, Nemat; Rezalo, Reza; Zadeh, Ardeshir Javanmard; Heydari-Guran, Saman: Correlation of the Epipaleolithic Period in the West-Central Zagros and North Zagros with Climatic Events after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). In: Journal of Research on Archaeometry, iss. 7, no. 1, pp. 205-29, 2021. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Palaeolithic, Zagros)@article{nokey, Up to now, two areas of northern and west-central Zagros Mountains (ZM) have produced better information concerning the development of techno-typology of lithic artefacts during the Epipaleolithic period (EP) compare to the other part of this region. Although several caves and rockshelters associated with EP deposits are found in this region (Map 1), but they were not subject to study for the relationship between climate effect on cultural developments like the neighbored area of Levant. this deficiency can be attributed to a) the low number of excavated sites, b) poor stratigraphic control, and c) the lack of a sufficient number of absolute dates. Recent absolute date achievements from the EP site of Palegawra cave [17]. locates on the northern ZM alongside Paleoclimatic reconstruction in Hashilan wetland [8] based on the palynological studies have improved our understanding from Epipaleolthic cultural and environmental events for the region. |
![]() | Heydari-Guran, Saman; Douka, Katerina; Higham, Thomas; Münzel, Susanne C.; Deckers, Katleen; Hourshid, Shaghayegh; Naderi, Rahmat; Asiabani, Samran; Ghasidian, Elham: Early Upper Palaeolithic Occupation at Gelimgoush Cave, Kermanshah; West-Central Zagros Mountains of Iran. In: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, iss. 38, 2021. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Kermanshah, Palaeolithic, Zagros)@article{nokey, The timing and dispersal routes of Homo sapiens (H. sapiens) into the Iranian Plateau have always been a matter of debate in the recent years. Current studies on the Upper Palaeolithic period of the Zagros mountains demonstrated the later colonisation of West-Central Zagros by H. sapiens based on techno-typological and radiocarbon dating. The Kermanshah region is one of the main concentrations of Palaeolithic sites in the West-Central Zagros mountains. Despite presenting rich Palaeolithic sequence records, it suffers from the lack of stratified data associated with chronological control. This issue, until now, has prevented us from evaluating and knowing how these archaeological records relate to the patterns of H. sapiens dispersal and colonisation into the West-Central Zagros mountains. Here, we present the first excavated and dated Palaeolithic site in Kermanshah. Eshkaft-e Gelimgoush Cave yielded a classic Upper Palaeolithic assemblage, representing the Lorestan and Kermanshah (LaK) cultural group documented in the West-Central Zagros. Radiocarbon dates, associated with the material culture from this cave, provide the first dated stratified Upper Palaeolithic evidence in Kermanshah. The data from Eshkaft-e Gelimgoush are consistent with the cultural diversity model among the Upper Palaeolithic populations in the Zagros and confirm later colonisation of the West-Central than northern and southern Zagros mountains. |
2015 |
![]() | Amelirad, Sheler; Razmpoush, Abbas: A Newly Discovered Iron Age Site at Sarrez, Iranian Kurdistan. In: Ancient Near Eastern Studies, vol. 52, pp. 207-216, 2015. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Iron Age, Kurdistan, Material Analysis, Zagros, Zagros Highlands)@article{nokey, Sarrez is an ancient site in Kurdistan Province, Iran, near the present-day country town of Kamyaran. This site was discovered accidentally during dam construction activities. It has yielded some metal artefacts, potsherds and bones that are comparable to Iron Age III instances. The collection in its entirety is discussed in this article. One of the main objects from Sarrez is a decorated beaker with a scene on its wall that is comparable in many ways to examples of Neo-Assyrian art. The purpose of this paper is to publish and date the metal objects of the Sarrez collection based on this bronze beaker, which is one the few beakers from western Iran which has been found in a secure context. |
2012 |
![]() | Amelirad, Sheler; Overlaet, Bruno; Haerinck, Ernie: The Iron Age “Zagros Graveyard” Near Sanandaj (Iranian Kurdistan): Preliminary Report on the First Season. In: Iranica Antiqua, vol. 47, pp. 41-99, 2012. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Ceramics, Chronology, Excavation, Iron, Iron Age, Kurdistan, Pottery, Zagros, Zagros Highlands)@article{nokey, An Iron Age graveyard, for the most part dating from the 8th - 7th century BC, was accidentally discovered in 2008 during road works near Sanandaj, Iranian Kurdistan. Rescue excavations were conducted by the Cultural Heritage Department in Sanandaj. The present contribution reports on these first excavations during which more than 20 graves were discovered in two squares and a trench. A selection of the graves and the burial goods are discussed. |